Protect Your Ears: Beware of Unregistered Earwax Removal Services

Protect Your Ears: Beware of Unregistered Earwax Removal Services

At House of Hearing, your ear health is our priority. We're committed to ensuring that you receive the safest and highest quality care possible. That's why we want to alert you to a concerning trend we've noticed across the UK: the rise of unregistered and unregulated earwax removal services.

Melanie Jackson, RGN RHAD, an ENT Nurse Practitioner with over 20 years of experience and the Head of Nursing at House of Hearing, has issued a warning about these unregulated services. These services are being offered by individuals who often lack proper training and qualifications, posing significant risks to your health.

In a recent letter to GPs, Jackson expressed her concerns, stating that many of these businesses provide clinical procedures with as little as a one-day training course. She highlighted the transient nature of these services, which often operate as mobile units, setting up temporary locations before moving on. This mobility makes it difficult to monitor their activities and ensure the safety and quality of care they provide.

House of Hearing: Your Trusted Ear Care Provider

For over 50 years, House of Hearing has been a trusted name in hearing and ear care. Unlike the unregistered services, our Clinical Ear Care (CEC) team comprises fully qualified and regulated clinicians. All of our clinics are dedicated and bespoke, offering high-end facilities and equipment. Our flagship Edinburgh clinic was the first clinic to be registered by Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS), ensuring exceptional standards of patient care.

Our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with hospital-grade microscopes and video otoscopes, enabling us to assess, diagnose, treat, and refer complex ear conditions. We offer a range of services, including free hearing tests and assessments.

Why Choose House of Hearing?

  • Qualified Professionals: Our team consists of experienced and regulated clinicians who prioritise your safety and well-being.
  • Comprehensive Services: From routine earwax removal to specialised care for complex ear conditions, we offer a wide range of services tailored to your needs.
  • Availability: We have the capacity to take on new patients in all our clinics, for both hearing health assessments and expert clinical earwax removal.

A Call to Action for Healthcare Professionals

In our letter to local GPs we urged healthcare professionals to consider referring their patients to House of Hearing with the confidence that patients will receive safe and professional care.

As Melanie Jackson emphasises, "Patient safety is our primary concern. We hope healthcare professionals in the area will refer their patients to us with confidence, knowing that they will receive the highest standard of care."

For more information or to book your appointment with House of Hearing, please call us directly at 0131 220 1220 or book online.

Your ears deserve the best care—trust House of Hearing for all your hearing needs.


Our Clinics

All House of Hearing clinics are in town centre locations and accessible to public transport and parking. Home visits also available if mobility is an issue.